2 Poems from WORDS FROM the CAFE

2 poems from Words From the Cafe, An Anthology,
Edited by Anna Balint, Raven Chronicles Press, 2016
ISBN 978-0-9979468-0-2, 202 pages, $14.99


In the heart of the city
if you listen carefully
you can hear the cries of humanity.
Each night I lie in my bed at the shelter
not knowing who will enter,
with no telling what will happen

I have seen a sea of faces of homeless women.
As I make my way through that sea
I get to know some of them, gently pushing
my way, I make my own wave.

Some waves move forward to find land.
Some waves fold long before reaching land.

Like many, I’ve walked
through a sea of tears, yet still felt
God’s gentle push, to remind me
that His love is wider than any ocean,
and whenever I weep He turns it into love.

—Esmeralda Hernandez

Cry and Transform

5 A.M.
Walk briskly.    Will rain.
The ego is anxious.
The ego wants no change.
But change has already occurred—
an exercise in love,
picking up and going forward.

At the same time, sadness.
Feel older. Accomplishments?
Not everyone gets to accomplish much.
Going to a back and spine doctor—
they are not so quick to prescribe.
Started doing yoga, again.
No longer able to sweep, prune, saw, hammer.     No heavy lifting.

Learn / unlearn.
No longer get to drive.
Must think about
mobility = long term ability.
The little stuff more hard . . .
Cry and transform.
