Raven’s Pushcart Prize Nominations for Work Published in 2016

The editors of Raven Chronicles nominate the following writers for their work published in Raven Chronicles, A Journal of Art, Literature & The Spoken Word,  Vol. 22, Celebration issue, July, 2016:

1. Christine Clarke, “Twenty”— poem, pg. 54.

2. Nancy Flynn, “Gift Event for Our New Gilded Age”— poem, pg. 73.

3. Dawn Karima, “Homecoming Celebration on the Fifth of July”— prose-try, pg. 48-49.

4. Kevin Miller, “On Jane’s Table Everything’s…— poem, pg. 63.

5. Jesse Minkert, “Basket Weaver”— poem, pg. 33.

6. Armin Tolentino “Watching My Son Bloom into

Summer”— poem, pg. 100.