Raven's XLIV Edition Pushcart Prize Nominations


The editors of Raven Chronicles, A Journal of Art, Literature & The Spoken Word, are pleased to announce our nominations for the 2018 Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses series, the prize chosen by Pushcart Press that anthologizes the best of the small presses publishing this year. The editors of Raven Chronicles nominate the following writers for their work published in Vol.26, Last Call, published in fall 2018. 

From Vol. 26, Fall, 2018: Last Call:


1. Cathy Cook (Las Cruces, NM) “The Second to Last Hookup,” poem pg 119. 

2. Joannie Stangeland (Seattle, WA)  “Bending Moment”— poem, pg 301.

3. Carolyne Wright (Seattle, WA) “The Putting-Off Dance”— poem pg 350.


4. Steve Griggs (Seattle, WA) “Blues for John T. Williams”— narrative nonfiction, pgs. 160-169.

5. Sue Gale Pace (Everett, WA) “The External Me”—creative nonfiction, pgs. 265-273.

6. Jeanette Weaskus (Pullman, WA) “Changing Roads”— fiction, pgs. 344-348.