XLVI Edition Pushcart Prize Nominations

The editors of Raven Chronicles nominate the following writers, for their work published in Take a Stand: Art Against Hate, A Raven Chronicles Anthology, 2020:


1. Tiffany Midge (Moscow, Idaho) “When White People Talk About their Country Being Stolen (I Throw Up in My Mouth a Little Bit.” pg. 112.


1. Mercedes Lawry (Seattle, WA)  “At the Drop-In Center.” pg. 103.

2. Ray Gonzalez (Farmington, MN) “The Border Is a Line.” pg. 160.

3. Jed Myers (Seattle, WA) “Lost Crossing.” pg. 172.

4. Carolyne Wright (Seattle, WA)  “Ghazal for Emilie Parker.” pg. 214.

5. Judith Roche (Seattle, WA)  “The Continent of Plastic.” pg. 256.

Phoebe Bosche