Raven Chronicles Vol 19, Race—Under Our Skin

Raven Chronicles Vol 19, Race—Under Our Skin


Raven Chronicles Vol 19, Race—Under Our Skin: ISSN 1066-188. Vol. 19, 100 pages, featuring 38 writers and 14 artists/illustrators.

In our featured theme, Race—Under Our Skin, writers and visual artists tell stories about the personal effects of racism, racial boundaries, social constructs, blood quantum laws, family half-buried truths. Willie Pugh’s photographs of An Alabama Family’s Funeral are loving testaments without words. Cover artist Tatiana Garmendia’s “models are all survivors of extreme experiences. They have survived war; have killed, or sustained attempts on their own lives.” Her human figures express existential questions of morality via their images of suffering and sublimation. Canadian writer Dave Holt reviews the poems of several mixed-blood Native American poets, including Sherman Alexie and Deborah MirandaGeorgia McDade examines the relevant question: is the U.S. a post-racial society since electing President Obama? Elizabeth Woody explores the history and traditions of her people on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, traditions still observed, in her memoir The Long MemoryMariana Romo-Carmona’s memories of being a FOB (fresh off the boat) immigrant, and (later) lesbian of color in mid-sixties New York, are filtered through the lenses of shared experiences with her family in Welcome to America.

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Cover Artwork:  by Tatiana Garmendia and Marilyn Stablein.

 Reviews of books authored by:

Deborah Akers, James Bertolino, Derick Burleson, Valeric C. Oliver, Ed., Ryan Kyle Coogler (film), Ann E. Michael, Dan T. McMullin, Carmen G. Smith .

 The work of Artists:

Alfredo Arreguín, Richard Baldasty, Allen Braden, Sharon Carter, Tatiana Garmendia, Kathleen Gunton, Thomas Hubbard, Carolyn Krieg, I.H. Kuniyuki, Meredith Nelson, Willie Pugh, Marilyn Stablein, St. James Harris Wood.

 Poetry, Fiction, Essays, Nonfiction, Reviews by:

Paul Nelson, Susan Noyes Platt, Dennis Caswell, M.S. Johnson, Stacy Lawson, Eve Gil, JT Stewart, Gail Tremblay, Thomas Hubbard, Tiana Clark, Paul Hunter, Laura Lee Bennett, James Bertolino, Anna Bálint, Zara Raab, Anita Endrezze, Dave Holt, Lita Kurth, Georgia McDade, M. Romo-Camona, John C. Mannone, Patty Somlo, Elizabeth Woody, Laura Dá, Dana Dickerson, Chelene Knight, Cassandra Lopez, Lawrence Matsuda, Jeanne Morel, Shankar Narayan, Tina Schumann, Judith Skillman, Diane Woodcock, Changming Yuan.