I CAN’T BREATHE, art by Nico Vassilakis & poem by Frank Rossini

Nico Vassilakis is the author of several books of poetry. He co-edited The Last Vispo Anthology: Visual Poetry 1998-2008 (Fantagraphics Books, 2012) with Crag Hill. He was also a founder of Seattle’s long-running Subtext reading series. His text-based work concerns the visual phenomenology of experiencing text, and his visual work pushes the outer limits of text’s possibility within words. Nico’s website is Staring Poetics: https://staringpoetics.weebly.com/. He lives in New York City.

Frank Rossini grew up in New York City and moved to Eugene, Oregon, in 1972. He taught at the University of Oregon and Lane Community College for thirty-eight years. He has published work in various journals, including The Seattle Review, Chiron Review, Clackamas Review, Raven Chronicles, Más Tequila Review and Paterson Literary Review. Silverfish Review Press published his poetry chapbook, sparking the rain. In 2012, sight|for|sight books published a book of his poems, midnight the blues.

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